
Our August 2012 Newsletter is Out!

Zen caught at the Colosseum by photographer Alessandro Michelazzi

Bev, Zen, her cousins Sofia, Coco and I just returned from a short whirlwind private tour of Rome and Florence/Siena. Based on Zen's 5th grade studies of Roman history, we were on a mission to see all the grandeur of ancient Rome. Included was a fun stopover at a special kids Gladiator School - in this case, the girls really did rule!

Our after-hours private tour of the Vatican was a unique, special highlight - a stark contrast to the throngs visiting during the day. Our accompanying fashion photographer, Alessandro Michelazzi, was still another fun experience.United MileagePlus members will be happy to hear of our soon to be announced collaboration in September. We are most grateful and humbled to serve the globe's number one mileage program! 

Click below to read part 1 of our Italy trip, suggested winter 2012/2013 Southeast Asia private tour options and the ever-popular Zen's Journal

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